
Mastering the art of calling wild turkeys isn’t a daunting task. Check out some of our helpful learning guides and resources to take yourself from a novice to expert.

Locator Calls

Often described as a 'shock response', the wild turkey tom will gobble at a wide variety of audio stimulation's or sounds. On some days it seems he will gobble at any sharp, sudden noise. Other days find the gobbler in a vocally sullen mood, and the sounds he will...

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Custom Turkey Calls

The true definition of 'custom' products is - made to fill a specific customer order. Many of the callmakers in this category do indeed build game calls for specific individuals. For our catalog sales these craftsmen have agreed to build specific qualities for Midwest...

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Production Turkey Calls

Next to the sudden gobble of a wild turkey tom, the sweetest music to many turkey hunters' ears is the note produced on their own favorite call. Always looking for the more natural tone and the truer rasp, our customers nationwide look to Midwest Turkey Call...

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Scratch Box Turkey Calls

Scratch Boxes Travel for a moment, in your mind, to the outer reaches of rural America; a cypress swamp in Northern Florida, a dark and foggy Ozark hollow, or a steep and rugged Virginia mountainside. Here local crafters make use of materials at hand, and simple...

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Long Box Turkey Calls

There is not a more task specific turkey call than the long box. Also known as the paddle box, this type of box call was designed to locate turkeys, pure and simple. It is true, you can soft yelp and cluck on some paddle boxes but they will shine the most when making...

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Double Sided Turkey Box Calls

Box Calls - from these instruments come the sounds that turn on the lights for turkey hunters, sounds that put a smile on our face and brighten an otherwise level moment of life into one of pulse-quickening excitement and memories. Hustlin' Hen Box Call by White...

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About Turkey Decoys

Imagine this scenario. You and a friend begin the day together on a spring hunt for morel mushrooms. The weather is warm and the forest understory has begun to leaf out. Foraging intently through the forest floor litter, you separate, lose track of one another, and...

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Choke Tubes for Turkey Hunting

This section is not about choking a wild turkey or choking on a turkey bone or choking up on a baseball bat or choking-up at that final moment when the gobbler comes into view; but it is related in meaning. The above examples show that ‘choking’ refers to a tightening...

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Fall Turkey Hunting – Locating & Strategy

​ Yawp, yawp, kee, kee, yawp, yawp, yawp. Raspy coarse calls, it was a jake separated from his buddies, answering my calls on the snuff can caller and closing the distance through the pines fast.If you think romancing gobblers in the spring is the most exciting form...

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Fall Turkey Hunting – Calls & Calling

​ Kee kee whistles pierce the quiet forest at dawn, jakes add an edge to these wake-up sounds with their coarse yelps and broken gobbles; putts, clucks and agitated purrs contribute background music to this sunrise symphony. Mature hens sound off with long, rhythmic...

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Midwest Turkey Call






 296 Lakewood Dr. Frohna, MO 63748 USA

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